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Frequently Asked Questions

What is DSC?
DSC stands for Developer Student Clubs. DSC comes with vision, “To learn together in a community”. DSC is a university-based community group developed for students to learn new skills and solve the problems faced by local community. DSC helps students to be more oriented towards technology by letting them explore the tech stack used by Google.
What do we do?
DSC Banasthali Vidyapith was set-up primarily to ensure that we can bridge the gap between a student’s curiosity and the latest technology trends.
What are the type of events we conduct?
DSC Banasthali Vidyapith conducts study jams, hackathons, seminars and various technical and non-technical competitions. In addition to these, DSC Banasthali Vidyapith also provides an opportunity for students to apply their newly gained skills to develop solutions for local problems and then provide visibility via Solution Challenge.
What are the 3 principles of DSC?
  1. LEARN- DSC helps you to learn about a wide range of technical topics where new skills are gained through hands-on workshops, in-person training and project building activities.

  2. CONNECT- DSC helps you to meet other students interested in Developer Technologies. We welcome everyone, including those with diverse backgrounds and different majors.

  3. GROW- DSC let's you apply your new learnings and connections to build great solutions for local problems. It let's you advance your skills, career and network.
What are the advantages of being a Member of DSC Banasthali Vidyapith?
• We help students advance their skills, career and, network, and encourage them to give back to the comnunity by helping others learn as well.
• Core Members will select people for any projects from the Members of the club.
• Active Members will be preferred for the selection as Core Members.
• Members get certificates and recognition if they do handle responsibilities during the events, workshops or projects and during their tenure.